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Mamao (Fall Session)


Hilo, Hawaiʻi

3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Post-high / College, Mākua & Kūpuna

Fall 2022

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I learned that the best Ma’a throwers have great accuracy and are able to throw with enough force to break the sound barrier. Also the legend of O’ulu that was able to survive from the ma’a with the help of the Lono by praying during battle


The Mamao Workshop Series offers ‘ohana the opportunity to learn together about the Cultural Practices of Puna, and to learn a little about the life of a Hawaiian Koa, or warrior. Our workshops held in November and December offered a glimpse of a Hawaiian warrior’s art through the making of a ma‘a. ‘Ōlohe Keani shared various mo‘olelo that included the use of the ma‘a in warfare so ‘ohana could develop a basic understanding of how the ma‘a played a role in warfare. ‘Ohana learned the proper protocols to make, handle and use the Hawaiian ma‘a. ‘Ohana used traditional weaving techniques to create their own ma‘a, and many made more than one ma‘a and more than one style. When the ma‘a was completed, ‘ohana learned the basic principles and techniques of using a ma‘a by slinging an object (tennis ball) at a target. Before the workshop ended, ‘ohana learned an oli (E Lono e) and ha‘a to accompany the oli using the ma‘a.


In January and February, we will celebrate Lonoikamakahiki! We will be covering the values, traditions, and mo‘olelo for the Makahiki Season, and participate in the Makahiki activities like our kupuna.


The Mamao Workshops have been a great space for ‘ohana to come together, learn as one and support each other in making connections to ‘ike kupuna, and in their learning and application of our ‘ike kupuna. This provides a space for makua to share ‘ike with their keiki and to develop the patience and skills to work with their keiki.

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