Hanohano Kalalea (Fall Session)
Kanuikapono Public Charter School
Anahola, Kauaʻi
K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, Post-high / College
Fall 2022
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Hanohano Kalalea is an intersession program that prioritizes Kanaka Maoli methods of self-sufficiency through the perpetuation of culture-based practices, including mahina ʻai (farming food), ʻoihana lawaiʻa (fishing), and hoʻomākaukau meaʻai (food preparation). Programming was supported by introductory examinations of moʻolelo (history), mele (songs, chant) and hula (dance) that support and encourage mauli ola (health and wellness).
Students explored the importance of piko as a place and how to reconnect to the moku (district) of Koʻolau.
Students gained real life experiences in an array of culture-based practices with focus on mahina ʻai (farming food), ʻoihana lawaiʻa (fishing), and hoʻomākaukau meaʻai (food preparation).
Students participated in place-based and project-based activities that align with Kanuikapono Mission and Vision.
Students learned the importance of mauli ola and traditional practices of health and wellness via an array of hands-on activities.
Students are able to name and locate 5 wahi pana and traditional names of the Moku o Koʻolau
Students learned 2 mele/oli and uses of plant materials in daily life that are connected to the area of mauli ola and well being.