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Na Lauaʻe o Makana Kupulau

NTBG Limahuli Gardens

Hanalei, Kauaʻi

All grades pre-k through 12

Summer 2022

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"This program has been so helpful for my child to learn about who is and reconnect with our community. We have to live in town during the year, because of my work, but this is how he still gets to learn who he is and who is family and his ancestors are."


The over all outcome of this program and curriculum is to give students first hand experiences with our place based practices in hopes that we will create and inspiure the next generation of practiitioners. We hope that our keiki will leave this program knowing what their community is known for and what historically their community was known for. We hope that our learners will gain pilina with the resources famous to our place, and can know it well enough to become a pracitioner. We know, that pride for a place, is to instill pride in oneself. We hope that this program will instill confidence and pride in Haleleʻa and Haʻena (their home).


LO #1 Students can identify a place based practitce from their community.


Kupu Group 3-6 year olds 62.5% could identify a place based practice from our Haʻena community.


Learner 1 "Kalo?" (3 years old)

Learner 2 "making lauaʻe leis" (6 years old)


Muʻo Group (6-9 years old) 93.755 cound idenfity a place based practice from our Haʻena community.


Learner 1 "My papa throws net and catches big fishes" (7 years old)

Learner 2 "Throwing the oahi like my grandpas." (9 years olds)


Liko Group (9-12 years old) 81.25% of learners in this group could identify practices form our Haʻena community.

*In this age group we also asked them to name someone who carries on these traditions.


Learner 1 "My papa Mike is a fisherman and hunter. He teaches us to make food and catch food."

Learner 2 "Aunty Leah teaches laau lapau and we learned how to make medicine from her. My dad is also a fisherman and I learn from him."


Lau Group (11-14 years old) 75% of learners in this group could identify practices form our Haʻena community.

*In this age group we also asked them to name someone who carries on these traditions.


Learner 1 "I donno but. My papa Mike teaches me to fish and hunt pig. My aunty does hula. "

Learner 2. "Dancing hula is famous to Haena because of Hiiaka and Pele and I danc hula for my aunty. I danc at the luaau too."




LO # 2 Name a plant based resource that Haena was famous for in old Hawaii.


91.30% of learners could identify a variety of plant species. Examples of answers- Lauaʻe, Papala, Limu Kohu, Hoiʻo, Kalo, and Kukui.


LO #3 Learners can identify their pilina to their resources.


Kupu Group 3-6 year olds 37.5% could identify what pilina means.

* For this question, we adjusted it to What does Pilina mean? This was to suit the needs of young learners. It still seemed to be too complexed of a question for this age group.


Learner 1 "Close "(5 years old)

Learner 2 " family" (4 years old)


Muʻo Group (6-9 years old) 75% cound idenfity what their pilina/relationship is to their resources


Learner 1 "The taro makes my body strong and poi" (7 years old)

Learner 2 "Kalo is my favorite, and I like to eat it for poi." (7 years olds)


Liko Group (9-12 years old) 92.3% of learners in this group could identify practices form our Haʻena community.

*In this age group we also asked them to name someone who carries on these traditions.


Learner 1 pilina means my relationship, i lik to eat taro. my family eats it"

Learner 2 "Pilina is my relatinship to the aina, I care about the aina cuz it feeds me."


Lau Group (11-14 years old) 62..5% of learners in this group could identify practices form our Haʻena community.

*In this age group we also asked them to name someone who carries on these traditions.


Learner 1 "Pilina is like ohana or something. I like to feed my family from the land." (13 years)




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